Practical Tidbits: ElasticSearch with custom Embeddings (Vectors) for Versions Greater than 7.6
Recently I deployed embeddings on ElasticSearch for mapping together two types of documents as part of a platform we’re developing for work. The reasons were
- We already had an instance of ES deployed
- There are existing data pipelines :)
- After some initial reading/research it looked relatively straightforward
There are two pieces of code I used as references. Both use ElasticSearch client to upload and query with custom embeddings
- This blog post by Bachir (unsure about his last name) which uses SentenceTransformers
- An example from ElasticSearch’s lab team which uses TensorFlow
I wrote code heavily inspired from these two sources, however every time I would run the code I would get the following error:
RequestError: RequestError(400, 'search_phase_execution_exception', 'runtime error')
Note that there can be multiple causes for this and you should look in the logs.
After some research and experimenting, turns out there was a breaking change in ES’ script in version 7.6 of ES to how vector functions are written. The only difference is that ‘doc’ is no longer references in the search query (see example below for the difference).
The changes required are minor (literally 5 chars), but this makes some of the top google search results for how to do vector search in ES out of date. Which is frustrating if you are just looking for a quick way of deploying embeddings into ES.
For that reason here is an updated version of Bachir’s code that will work for ES versions greater than 7.6. If using an earlier version I would highly recommend the sources above, they are excellent.
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
INDEX_NAME = "test-index"
COLUMN_NAME = "embeddings"
# Read in and process data
f = open('data.json',)
documents = json.load(f)
corpus = []
for doc in documents:
text = doc['text']
embeddings = model.encode(text)
doc[COLUMN_NAME] = embeddings.tolist()
es = Elasticsearch()
# NOTE: If writing to an existing index like I was
# I recommend using scan, iterating through data, embedding it, and adding back the embeddings as a new column
for idx, doc in enumerate(documents):
res = es.index(index=INDEX_NAME, id=idx+1, body=doc)
# TODO: Replace with your query or logic to read in queries
query = "Here is an example query"
query_vector = model.encode(text).tolist()
script_query = {
"script_score": {
"query": {"match_all": {}},
"script": {
"source": f"cosineSimilarity(params.query_vector, '{COLUMN_NAME}') + 1.0", # NOTE: Change made for versions > 7.6 is doc['{COLUMN_NAME}'] -> '{COLUMN_NAME}'
"params": {query_vector: query_vector}
search_body = {
"size": 10,
"query": script_query,
"_source": {"excludes": [COLUMN_NAME]}
# NOTE: Call
result =, body=search_body)